Como funciona?

Como funciona o registro de marcas

Etapas do processo:

Submission of documentation

Following formal documents entrance and mailing, the brand request registering is recognized. At this point, any stakeholder may present an opposition in a limit period of sixty days from the first publishing in the industrial property magazine (RPI) to dispatch, any manifest against opposition may also be presented in the same period.

Order analysis

The national intellectual property here in Brazil, INPI, examines the request for brand registration, if applicable to official registering and protection as long as it does not present similarity or has enough evidence of distinction in comparison to other existent brands already registered. The owner of the brand must then pay for the final tributes related to the first ten years of its protection. In case of lack of payment, it will lead to filing of the brand and consequently loss of the right to register. This will take one (1) year.


The official certificate of conclusion for the named registered-brand will be available to the owner after being published on the dispatch section of the industrial property magazine, the RPI. This is the initial validity time of the registered brand. In case of denial or non- recognition to grant the owner legal property by the Institute, the owner will be given a sixty days period to include arguments or resources requesting a review or modification of the INPI (the national institute of intellectual property) decision.

Entre em contato

Horário de funcionamento

09h às 12h e de 13h30 às 18h

  • R. Voluntário da Pátria, nº 475, Sala 1905-B,
    19º andar - Centro, Curitiba - PR
    CEP 80020-926